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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Transfer Day!

We made it!  For the first time we were able to make it to transfer day and what a wonderful day it was!  I woke up yesterday like a kid on Christmas morning and after running a few errands, we ended up at our appointment half an hour early.  I sat there giddy with excitement and anxious to finally get our little eggies inside of me.

We were finally taken back to the transfer room and Dr. Johnstone came in to give us an update on our eggies.  She shared with us that 8 were still viable but that only 1 made it to the blastocyst stage.  The other 7 were in various stages of the morula stage, but none were of great quality.  She asked how many we wanted to transfer and we told her two so she chose the best two, gave me a couple vallium and said she would be back in 10 minutes. 

By the time Dr. Johnstone came back I was feeling great and she got ready to transfer our little eggies. The transfer itself was pretty simple (especially after everything else I have been through), and it was only a tiny bit more invasive than a normal papsmear. In all honesty, the only part that was uncomfortable was when they cleaned my cervix.   Mike was able to stay in the room and watch the eggies get loaded into the catherter and transferred into me. The transfer took all of 5 minutes and then I spent the next half hour sleeping in the transfer room. 

Below is the first picture of Baby Ricci/Riccis and are the two eggies that were implanted in me.  I think the top is a girl because it's stronger and Miss Annie thinks the bottom looks like Mike :)  Isn't technology amazing?

You will also notice the fertility charm in the picture as well.  My step-dad Rod gave it to me a few months ago and I held it and rubbed it the entire time for luck.  Mike being the smart-alec and logical person he is, finally said "you should find one that says science and rub that because if this works, it's because of science."  It was a pretty funny comment and will definitely be a story we remember for life.    

Following transfer and a quick stop at Cafe Rio for lunch (to go of course), we headed home and have been spending the weekend watching the newest season of Dexter.  Mike has been a Nazi Nurse umm I mean a fabulous nurse and has been regulating every time I get up to walk anywhere.  I am not the best bed rest patient but I really am trying not to move around too much, but I really hate having to ask for everything I need/want.  I am too self-sufficient but I am trying to enjoy being waited on hand and foot because it's not going to last for long.

Even though everything went as perfect as it could yesterday, we did get some sad news this morning.  After transferring the two best quality embryos, they allowed the remaining 6 to continue growing.  Unfortunately this morning when they checked them, they had either all died or are on their way to dying.  What this means is that we don't have any to freeze so if this doesn't work, we will have to go through another fresh cycle again.  As difficult as the process is, I know I am strong enough to endure it again if I need to and this cycle was basically a freebie anyway.  I am just hoping it won't come down to that.   

So, now we wait until my pregnancy test at the end of December... It's such a strange and amazing feeling to know that there are two little embryos in there trying to find their home and that in a mere few weeks I could finally hear the words "you're pregnant".  While I am extremely optimistic that this cycle will work, I know there is a 45% chance it won't and we will have to start this process all over again.  If that's the case, I will be devastated, but in the same breath I have the most amazing husband, friends and family and we will get through it together.  I am just really hoping for a Christmas miracle and that 2012 will be a life changing year.    Happy holidays everyone!  I hope you all get your own miracles too!  :) 


Cory and Kylee said...
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Brittany said...

I'm glad everything went well! I hope you get to tell us that you are pregnant soon! :)