Blogstalking and Comments Welcome!

Blogstalking and Comments Welcome! In fact, I love them!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Top 11...

Top 11 WORST things to say to someone who is struggling with infertility. I have heard all of them!

-“It will happen when it is supposed to.”

- “Why are you in such a hurry? You are still so young!” or “You are only 25, you still have plenty of time”

-“Are you pregnant?” or “Are you finally pregnant?”

-“Stop trying, relax and it will happen.”

-“Adopt a baby, then you will for sure get pregnant!”

- “Take my kids, then you won’t want any!”

- “Don’t be sad, it will happen.”

-“Maybe you are doing it wrong.”

-“At least you are having fun trying.”

-“Stop being so stressed and busy and it will happen.”

- “I didn’t share my pregnancy with you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings”


jill d said...

I sure as hell hope I haven't said any of these to you. If I ever do, please feel free to slap me! I don't know what I should say to you except, I'm here for you! Here to support you, here to listen, here to cry to or with, here to be happy and sad with you, here to share in your journey, and simply to be your friend. I'm so grateful for our friendship and all that I learn from you!

LeAnn said...

I know what you mean, I have heard them all and then some. My husband and i have been married for six years and have been trying for four years.

Ruth said...

I know just how you feel Lauren. It's like a knife in the gut. The one I HATE is when people offer to give me their misbehaving children. I know they mean well and are just joking but it really isn't funny. :/