Blogstalking and Comments Welcome!

Blogstalking and Comments Welcome! In fact, I love them!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Well it's official, the first round of Clomid did not produce a baby Ricci. Today I had a little meltdown and went into control freak organization mode. My psychology side says this is because I can't control the one thing I truly want so I felt the need to control everything else. My poor hubby. At least he is pretty understanding and knows I am just a bundle of emotions and it's not him.

Now I am just impatiently waiting for my next cycle to begin so I can start my second round of Clomid. Really hoping my side effects are the same as my first round and that this time I will see some results. Nothing worse than being hot flashy, moody, bloated and tired for no damn reason!

No one ever told me patience would be the most difficult lesson I would ever have to learn... Hoping month 21 is our lucky one. Now please excuse me while I bury my emotions in cookie dough.