I have finished one week of shots and am finally off birth control. The first few days of shots were scary and it literally took 10 minutes to get up the courage to stick myself but after 3 days, it came much more easily. I haven’t really had many side effects from the Lupron except that I am feeling much more needy and lethargic and feel like I have put on some weight or am really bloated. I have gotten some pretty awesome bruises thanks to the shots and pretty soon I am sure it’s going to look as though Mike beats me. I also got my first IVF injury this weekend while we were in Denver. I had to bring my shots with me but I didn’t want to bring my sharps container because it’s so big. Usually I don’t worry too much about capping the syringes since they go straight into the sharps container but since I didn’t have one with me, I was being pretty careful putting the cap back on so I could bring the used syringes home with me . As I put the cap on, the needle bent and went out the side of the cap and pricked my finger. I think it hurt worst then any shot I have given myself!
Overall giving shots isn’t too bad but because I am so busy, I have had to plan a lot more since you are supposed to take the shots at the same time of day (9:30 pm for me). This weekend while we were in Denver we went to Oktoberfest and because we were planning to be there late, I brought my syringe with me. I am sure it looked rather strange when I pulled out my alcohol swab and syringe and stuck myself in the midst of the celebration (there really wasn’t a good place to do it and the port-o-potties were not going to cut it), but you gotta do what you gotta do. I will have to do the same thing this weekend at the Utah game so I better get used to it. At least these shots are easy and more discreet; I am not sure what I am going to do when I get up to three shots that Mike is supposed to administer.
I go in tomorrow for an ultrasound to see where my eggs are at and hopefully will be able to schedule my harvest date. For now though, here is a funny picture from the weekend… The Lupron is supposed to be kept in the dark so we decided to wrap it up in tin foil for our flight to Denver. Doesn’t it look like I am a heroin addict? Makes me laugh. Happy Monday everyone!
Overall giving shots isn’t too bad but because I am so busy, I have had to plan a lot more since you are supposed to take the shots at the same time of day (9:30 pm for me). This weekend while we were in Denver we went to Oktoberfest and because we were planning to be there late, I brought my syringe with me. I am sure it looked rather strange when I pulled out my alcohol swab and syringe and stuck myself in the midst of the celebration (there really wasn’t a good place to do it and the port-o-potties were not going to cut it), but you gotta do what you gotta do. I will have to do the same thing this weekend at the Utah game so I better get used to it. At least these shots are easy and more discreet; I am not sure what I am going to do when I get up to three shots that Mike is supposed to administer.
I go in tomorrow for an ultrasound to see where my eggs are at and hopefully will be able to schedule my harvest date. For now though, here is a funny picture from the weekend… The Lupron is supposed to be kept in the dark so we decided to wrap it up in tin foil for our flight to Denver. Doesn’t it look like I am a heroin addict? Makes me laugh. Happy Monday everyone!