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Friday, October 7, 2011

Repronex, ICSI and Acupuncture oh my!

I have been really MIA lately because work is INSANE and IVF is really taking a toll on me both mentally and physically. I am on my three shots a day routine now and my poor tummy is black and blue with lots of red welts due to the repronex and follistim (egg stimulating shots). This round of shots has been much more difficult and painful and I am not reacting very well to the additional medication. I haven’t been super hormonal (at least I don’t think so Mike may think otherwise) but I have had some serious migraines and nausea, am exhausted all of the time and have had a few “I want to kill you” rage moments. I also had a scare on Wednesday when I unexpectedly started bleeding. I immediately called the nurse and they were pretty concerned about it because it’s unusual to bleed at this part of the cycle so they scheduled me for an ultrasound this morning and told me to watch it. It subsided yesterday so they said I could just plan to come in on Monday for my normally scheduled ultrasound and we can evaluate where we need to go from there. I am hoping that it was just a fluke and everything is OK, but I won’t know much until Monday and there is a possibility I may have to stop my cycle, which is very stressful. It would be incredibly heartbreaking to have to stop now since I am so far along in the process. I am really trying to be positive and am crossing my fingers, toes and everything in between that my ultrasound goes well on Monday and that I can do the egg harvest some time next week.

On top of the shots being more difficult, we learned that we do have to do ICSI since Mike’s sperm did not penetrate the hamster eggs as often as they needed to. They want to see about 80% and Mike was at a 67%. We also learned through the hamster penetration test that many of the heads of Mike’s sperm are shaped incorrectly, which makes it very difficult to fertilize an egg. While I am happy this is an easy fix through ICSI, this news was frustrating because he has been tested a few times and we have never been told that may be part of the issue. Due to the “penetration” issue along with all of my other problems, IUI probably never would have worked so I am happy we didn’t try that for too long. I just feel that we solve one piece of the puzzle and then find another problem. It’s hard to feel we are always taking one step forward and two steps back in this whole infertility journey.

As of right now I am still set to do my harvest sometime next week but I will know more on Monday if and when it will be, so I am just trying to stay busy in the meantime. I have begun to do acupuncture again and I would highly recommend my acupuncturist. Her name is Brighton Roper and she works at Utah Family Acupuncture and Herbs. She specializes in fertility acupuncture and she had a septum removal and has since had a baby girl, so that is always encouraging. Plus she is relatively inexpensive and whether or not it helps, it at least gives me some piece of mind that I am doing everything I can.

IVF is hard and it’s unfair but I am trying to stay as positive as possible and am apparently drowning my sorrows and pain in buying baby blankets, eating cookie dough and shopping for home decor. Whatever keeps me sane right? Hope you all have a good weekend and GOOOO Utes!

1 comment:

hannie bailey said...

Hey Lo. I STG it is always something!!! I am crossing all my extremities for you as well! I think I see you Mon, so we can chat then.

On a different note, I am SOOO mad at the Utes!