I watched sweet Avaya the other night and every moment of holding her, feeding her, cuddling her and every second in between, was a reminder of why this infertility journey will someday be worth it...
I recently found a new infertility blog called Infertility Inferschmility, which chronicles the infertility of a woman out of Chicago who has gone through a similar journey as me, but who is now pregnant. In one of her earlier posts she filled out a "What Defines Me?" post and it reminded me how much strength I have gained from this three year struggle so I decided to answer the questions from my own perspective (although I kept a few of her answers since they were so eloquent).
I knew I was Courageous when... my fear of needles became a reality as I started daily shots.
I knew I was Defiant when... I didn’t allow infertility to break me.
I knew I was Bold when... I pushed through the pain and heartache of hyperstimulation.
I knew I was Selfless when... I gave complete control of my body and mind to infertility treatments.
I knew I was Resilient when... I kept standing as my world was crumbling.
I knew I was Determined when... I didn't stop trying.
I knew I was Purposeful when... I realized God gave me this journey and the strength to tell my story.
I knew I was Devoted when... I opened my heart and soul to our someday baby and made the choice to do everything in my power to bring Baby Ricci into our life one way or another.
Even though this journey has been plagued with uncertainty, it has taught me more than I ever could have learned without this hardship. I am a stronger woman and will be a better mom because of this journey and I know someday I will appreciate the trials I have been faced with. I just have to remind myself to take each day one at a time, to allow myself to feel every emotion that infertility brings and that this will eventually all be worth it when we have our miracle in our arms.