Blogstalking and Comments Welcome!

Blogstalking and Comments Welcome! In fact, I love them!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Please be gentle with me...

 A friend of mine shared this blogpost on Brave Girls Club with me and this story really resonated with me.
The story talks about the masks we wear and the signs we wish we could wear around our necks so everyone knew what trial we were currently enduring and would be a little more understanding.  I know I have not been my normal self and have been much more flaky then I usually am, but it's because I am hurting.  I am hurting physically and emotionally and I can barely be there enough for myself, so I haven't been able to be there for anybody else.  I feel bad that I have let certain things fall through the cracks and am only able to give myself 80%, but it's because I am broken, I am hollow and I am missing a piece of myself.  So...
and I really am.  I wish I could be the person I have aways been but right now, I have to be selfish, I have to take care of me.  So if I have not been the friend, the daughter, the wife, the listening ear, the co-worker, the volunteer, the confidant or the person I normally am, please forgive me, I am doing all I can to hold myself together...

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Heartbreaking and Painful Step Back...

This week has been an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least, and the outcome was far from what we had wished for. Let’s rewind to 8 days ago…

October 13, 2011- This was the day we had been waiting for. I had cleared all my estrogen tests, had taken my trigger shot and I was ready to be put under and have our little eggies retrieved. We went in that morning as happy as could be and thought, “this is it, this is the next step towards Baby Ricci.” They put me under and an hour later then wheeled me back into a recovery room and told me everything had gone well and they were able to collect 12 eggies. We were both very excited with the results, but I was in a TON of pain and it just continued to get worse. They finally gave me something to help with the pain and an hour later sent me on my way. On the way home from the retrieval I was starving but all I wanted was frozen yogurt so we headed to Menchie’s, a new frozen yogurt shop I had never been to. I waddled in hunched over and made myself a yogurt but after two bites I got the “I am going to vomit” feeling and ran to their brand new stainless steel trash can and lost it. It was just the beginning of my week from hell…

After we arrived home and my pain pills began to wear off, the pain continued to get worse and worse. I was unable to move and the gas pains were so intense that every inch of my body ached. I figured it was just a result of my surgery and this is how every woman feels after an egg retrieval, so I just continued to take the pain pills they had prescribed along with drinking a lot of water, downing gas-x and doing everything possible to become comfortable. That first day was miserable and poor Mike had to do everything for me because I was unable to walk or put any pressure on either of my shoulders due to the severe gas pains. I finally was able to fall asleep that evening after building a fort of pillows both around and under me and I thought the next day would be better.

October 14, 2011- The next morning I began to feel a little better, but I was still in quite a bit of pain and my stomach had become extremely bloated and distended. I honestly had gained about 6 pounds overnight and it was all showing in my belly. I once again attributed it to the retrieval and just continued taking gas-x and pain pills to help with the pain, but nothing seemed to help. I finally went into my acupuncture appointment and she was able to help relieve some of the pain, but I still was not myself. I went home to rest some more and as much as I wanted to go, I ended up having to miss The Colors of Life fundraiser for The Sharing Place, which I have attended every year for 10 years. Although I was still in severe pain, I once again just chalked it up to "this is how all girls feel after a retrieval".

October 15, 2011- Saturday I began to feel a bit better, although I was still in a lot of pain and fatigued. I perked up quite a bit though when I received the call from the andrology department telling us that they had actually extracted 14 eggs and 9 of them were mature, 8 were fertilized and 8 were growing perfectly. I was in such a state of bliss that it made all the pain, both emotional and physical, feel like it was finally worth it. We scheduled the transfer for day 5 and began talking about how different life was going to be when this baby was finally in our lives.

October 16, 2011- Sunday morning I was finally able to shower, take a trip to Costco and cook a few things. I was feeling pretty good throughout the day and although I wasn’t 100%, I thought I was on the mend. I went to bed early that evening in order to get ready for a long day of work on Monday so that I could be completely stress-free while I began to grow Baby Ricci.

October 17, 2011- I went in to work at 6:30 am because I had so much to do. I wasn’t feeling great but I wanted to make sure I got everything done before I took the next three days off for bed rest after my transfer. I knew things weren’t 100% right with me when I lugged my monthly Costco trip in and it took me an hour to distribute everything rather than my normal 20 minutes, but I just kept going on with my day. After working extremely hard all day to complete my tasks, I began experiencing some chest pains around 2:00 pm. I have never had heart burn so I just chalked it up to that, took some TUMS and continued working my little tail off until 7:30 pm.

When I finally left my chest pains were getting worse and I thought I had overdone it a little bit and needed to go home and just rest. The chest pains never let up though and they began radiating to my back and making it hard to breathe.  Being the stubborn person I am though I just thought they would go away when I went to sleep and went about my evening. At 11:30 pm when I attempted to lie down and go to sleep, my chest and back pains became so bad I started begging Mike to take me to the ER. We arrived at around 12:00 am and I was admitted around 12:45 am. By this point my chest pains were pretty severe and they came and drew blood, put an IV in and finally gave me some pain medication around 1:30 am. At about 2:30 am the Dr. came in and told me that one of the blood tests had revealed that I may have a blood clot in my lung and they needed to do a CT scan. About an hour after that, the radiologist finally came to get me and I underwent my first ever CT scan. For those of you who have never had one, it’s a very strange feeling. They inject your body with iodine through your IV and when it’s inserted, your entire body goes warm for about 2 minutes and you get the taste of metal on your tongue.

After the CT scan they brought me back to my room and about an hour later the Dr. once again came in and told me I didn’t have any clots and that I most likely was having a back spasm and I could be discharged. We finally made it home around 5:00 am and although I was still in quite a bit of pain, Mike and I both took a two hour nap before we were supposed to head up to the infertility clinic for my transfer.

October 18, 2011- After a long night in the ER and hardly any sleep, I was ready to get the transfer over with and head back home for three days of bed rest. I was worried that they may not do the transfer due to my hospital stay but tried to assure myself that because they had not found a clot and thought it was my back, they would most likely continue. After being brought back to the transfer room Dr. Hammoud came in and asked how I was feeling. I told him I had been to the ER for chest pains but that they thought it was my back and I was feeling ok now. Dr. Hammoud excused himself and came back a bit later with an ultrasound machine. He explained that I looked incredibly sick and I was most likely suffering from Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or *OHSS and they needed to do an ultrasound. Following the ultrasound Dr. Hammoud stated that I was indeed suffering from *OHSS, which is why I was having chest pains, and we shouldn’t go through with the transfer due to my current state of health. Although in his opinion we should not continue, he would leave the choice to us, although if we chose to go ahead and do one and I were to become pregnant, I would most likely end up in the hospital and lose the pregnancy because I would be so ill. On top of this news, he told me that only 2 of our 8 fertilized eggies had survived until day 5 and the two remaining embryos were fair in quality and probably wouldn’t be able to be frozen. He gave us a few minutes to discuss it amongst ourselves and the minute he walked out of the room, I lost it. Here I was on the day that I thought our lives were going to change for the better and I was sobbing uncontrollably and in excruciating pain. As much as my heart told me to do the transfer, my head knew better and we chose to terminate this IVF cycle.

After I was finally able to collect myself, they sent me on my way with two prescriptions to stop the IVF process, strict orders to drink 64 oz of Gatorade a day and at minimum, three days of bed rest. I was also sent home with a “hat” to monitor my urine output, a tape measure to keep track of my abdominal girth and the nurses phone number I was to call every day to report my stats. I left what was supposed to be my transfer appointment feeling completely destroyed mentally and physically and as though I was a failure of a woman. I couldn’t and still can’t believe that our baby is still so far away and that we went through the entire arduous process only to have to start from scratch again in a few months. My heart is truly broken and I feel so helpless and out of control. I know this isn’t my fault and this is a known complication of IVF, but I am so angry that it had to happen to me. I just wanted one thing in this whole process to go right.

As of right now I am still on bed rest and feeling sorry for myself that our little family won’t be complete until at least 2012. I am devastated that this happened but I am attempting to move forward and find peace and acceptance about this situation within myself. I am very fortunate that I am surrounded by such amazing friends and family and I have had the most amazing support throughout all of this. I know Baby Ricci will get here one way or another, it’s just hard to accept that it may not be the way we want, or in our timing, but they will get here. Our current plan is to begin the IVF process again in January and hopefully do retrieval and transfer in February. In the mean time Mike and I plan to enjoy my work trip to Napa where we will drink too much and spend time with one another, spoil ourselves for Christmas with things we don’t need, finish up some projects around the house, celebrate Mike’s 30th birthday on 11.11.11, take a much needed tropical vacation to Trinidad and Tobago for some much needed together time and R and R and splurge on a dinner at our favorite restaurant Cucina Toscana. While I know none of these things will heal the large hole in my heart, they at least give me something to look forward to as we begin yet another long wait in this fertility journey.

* click here to learn all about OHSS and what symptoms to look for.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Please stop the ride, I am ready to get off now…

The past week has been a series of ups and downs in regards to this IVF cycle and I am ready to stop being thrown around. First was the unexpected bleeding and severe headaches that occurred last week and what I went it for on Monday to have checked. I was nervous for my ultrasound because they weren’t sure why I was bleeding but my ultrasound showed everything was fine and that we were on track to do a harvest on Thursday. As part of the routine check, they did some blood work to evaluate my estrogen and sent me on my way. I had no reason to believe everything wasn’t ok but then that afternoon I received a call from my nurse and she told me my estrogen count was through the roof but that my follicles were not yet mature enough to trigger so my Dr. wanted me to quit taking my Repronex and come in on Tuesday for an ultrasound and more blood work. I went in yesterday and had another ultrasound and all of the follicles had grown considerably. My Dr. told me that in a normal case, I would be ready for harvest but due to my estrogen levels being so high the day prior, I needed to have more blood work done in order to rule out Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is a complication that can arise from taking fertility medications and is due to blood vessels and follicles leaking fluid into the ovaries and causing them to become enlarged. The symptoms of it include bloating, abdominal pain, weight gain and nausea and it can lead to blood clots, kidney failure, loss of fertility and hospitalization. Usually if OHSS is suspected, medical professionals will stop your IVF cycle before harvest or before implantation because OHSS doesn’t actually occur until after ovulation and gets worse if you become pregnant. If you are able to get through Harvest but have to stop before implantation, they will usually freeze any embryos that have grown so they can be used in another cycle.

I knew hyperstimulation was a risk but I was attempting to be optimistic and wasn’t worried that it would happen to me but I have quickly learned that anything that can go wrong in this process, will. After having more blood work done on Tuesday, I anxiously waited for my test results and the fate of this cycle. My estrogen level had been 3,500 on Monday and my Dr. told me that if my estrogen was above 5,000 on Tuesday, we would have to stop my cycle to avoid OHSS. After a few meltdowns during the wait for the nurse’s phone call, I finally got the news that my estrogen count was a 4,730 and even though it was a lot higher than normal, I was tolerating the side effects better than most and they would be ok proceeding with this cycle of IVF. I was instructed to take my HCG shot last night and scheduled my harvest for Thursday morning.

While I am relieved we can continue with this cycle, I have learned that everything can change in a blink of an eye and I am living one day at a time. If I make it through the harvest without complications, I will be happy. but then there is the worry that the eggs won’t fertilize, that the embryos will die before transfer day, that there won’t be any viable eggs, that implantation won’t occur or that due to OHSS, they won’t be able to do an implantation and I will have to freeze them. I know I should be more positive and I am extremely hopeful this will work but until I started this process, I didn’t know how involved it was and how much really could go wrong. I am hoping that I have good news following the harvest and that we are still on our way to an implantation and hopefully baby Ricci, but as of right now, I am just focusing on my Harvest tomorrow and not much else. I will make sure to post my progress, as well as our embryos and what we decide to do in regards to transferring one or two. Since I will be on bedrest for 2-3 days following the transfer, I will have plenty of time to write. Wish me luck that nothing else goes wrong and that Baby Ricci will FINALLY be on their way because I need all the positivity and good vibes I can get!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Repronex, ICSI and Acupuncture oh my!

I have been really MIA lately because work is INSANE and IVF is really taking a toll on me both mentally and physically. I am on my three shots a day routine now and my poor tummy is black and blue with lots of red welts due to the repronex and follistim (egg stimulating shots). This round of shots has been much more difficult and painful and I am not reacting very well to the additional medication. I haven’t been super hormonal (at least I don’t think so Mike may think otherwise) but I have had some serious migraines and nausea, am exhausted all of the time and have had a few “I want to kill you” rage moments. I also had a scare on Wednesday when I unexpectedly started bleeding. I immediately called the nurse and they were pretty concerned about it because it’s unusual to bleed at this part of the cycle so they scheduled me for an ultrasound this morning and told me to watch it. It subsided yesterday so they said I could just plan to come in on Monday for my normally scheduled ultrasound and we can evaluate where we need to go from there. I am hoping that it was just a fluke and everything is OK, but I won’t know much until Monday and there is a possibility I may have to stop my cycle, which is very stressful. It would be incredibly heartbreaking to have to stop now since I am so far along in the process. I am really trying to be positive and am crossing my fingers, toes and everything in between that my ultrasound goes well on Monday and that I can do the egg harvest some time next week.

On top of the shots being more difficult, we learned that we do have to do ICSI since Mike’s sperm did not penetrate the hamster eggs as often as they needed to. They want to see about 80% and Mike was at a 67%. We also learned through the hamster penetration test that many of the heads of Mike’s sperm are shaped incorrectly, which makes it very difficult to fertilize an egg. While I am happy this is an easy fix through ICSI, this news was frustrating because he has been tested a few times and we have never been told that may be part of the issue. Due to the “penetration” issue along with all of my other problems, IUI probably never would have worked so I am happy we didn’t try that for too long. I just feel that we solve one piece of the puzzle and then find another problem. It’s hard to feel we are always taking one step forward and two steps back in this whole infertility journey.

As of right now I am still set to do my harvest sometime next week but I will know more on Monday if and when it will be, so I am just trying to stay busy in the meantime. I have begun to do acupuncture again and I would highly recommend my acupuncturist. Her name is Brighton Roper and she works at Utah Family Acupuncture and Herbs. She specializes in fertility acupuncture and she had a septum removal and has since had a baby girl, so that is always encouraging. Plus she is relatively inexpensive and whether or not it helps, it at least gives me some piece of mind that I am doing everything I can.

IVF is hard and it’s unfair but I am trying to stay as positive as possible and am apparently drowning my sorrows and pain in buying baby blankets, eating cookie dough and shopping for home decor. Whatever keeps me sane right? Hope you all have a good weekend and GOOOO Utes!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Someday it will all be worth it...

I ran across this quote on my friend's blog and had to share. Can't wait to experience the magic of motherhood.

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."

Here are a few other quotes that have helped get me through the days... Thank you pinterest.