Blogstalking and Comments Welcome!

Blogstalking and Comments Welcome! In fact, I love them!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Some Book Recommendations...

Last night during my RESOLVE group, a couple book recommendations came up to help males understand the world of infertility. They are both written by men and apparently are very funny, yet insightful. I can't wait to pick them up and read them with Mike in hopes he will develop a clearer understanding of why I have turned into a crazy baby hungry woman.

The first is "How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup: A Guy's Guide to the World of Infertility" by Greg Wolfe.and the second is "What He Can Expect When She's Not Expecting: How to support your wife, save your marriage and conquer infertility!" by Marc Sedaka.If any of you readers out there have read either of these books, I would love to hear more about them!

A Change of Heart...

When I wrote my previous post, I was dealing with some emotions and hurt from some negative things I had heard about me being too open. These remarks were coming from various people whom I have a personal relationship with and I closed down. I didn’t want to be mocked or talked about behind my back so I decided it would be best if I just bit my tongue and started dealing with this on my own. After an empowering and helpful RESOLVE group last night, I realized I am the type of person who needs to share the vast emotions that come along with this incredibly difficult journey and that it is not healthy for me to keep it all in. Since my last post, I have had multiple emails from people who follow my blog and whom I have helped and I decided it is not fair to me or to any of you readers to close up due to a couple of negative comments. I am a strong woman with thick skin and I shouldn’t allow a few negative thoughts/people break my confidence and challenge my self worth. I am not angry at anyone and actually believe hearing negative things and shutting down has been positive because it allowed me to do some soul searching and realize I need to share my journey in order to get through it. It also reminded me who my true friends really are and how blessed I am to have them in my life. They are the people who get me through the heartbreaks, who hold my hand when I am down and who remind me that my feelings are warranted and that I don’t have to go through this alone.

So, I am back and I am back with good news! This month we increased my clomid dose to 100mg since I didn’t ovulate last month and while I was unfortunately hit with the “clomid crazies” pretty severely this month and poor Mike wanted to divorce me when I broke down into tears or flew into a rage on more than one occasion, it worked! I went in Monday for a day 13 ultrasound and they found a good sized follicle and said I was ready to trigger it with a HCG shot. I went home and gave myself my first shot, which was a small victory in itself, and today Mike and I went in for our second round of artificial insemination. I took an ovulation test strip before going today and it was positive so I am very optimistic that this is the month of Baby Ricci now that my septum is gone and that I actually ovulated. I won’t find out for two more weeks but I will be crossing every finger and toe I have until then and am happy I have a much needed trip to Lake Powell with good friends during the dreaded waiting period.

Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to write me very thoughtful and heartfelt comments and emails. You make me a stronger more optimistic person and remind me that no matter how we deal with the emotions that come along with infertility, we have to deal with them in the way that is best for us. The best way for me is by writing and I look forward to continuing to share my journey with anyone who wants to read it. Happy Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I am feeling emotionally exhausted lately and I am having a hard time talking about my journey when it’s yielding the same results. I feel as though I am telling the same story with the same ending over and over again. I hate being a victim and feeling down about our situation, and lately I feel I don’t have anything positive to say, so I would rather not say anything. We are currently in the waiting period and I have no news to report so I have decided to go on hiatis from sharing our story so openly. I am ready to put our infertility at the back of my mind and focus on decorating my house, getting organized and putting more energy into my relationship, friendships and job. Infertility is a big burden to carry and the last few months I have let it break me and eat at my soul. I am a strong woman who has an incredible life with amazing friends and family and this despair and anguish is only temporary. We will have our baby one way or another and when they finally get here, it will not only be a miracle, but a long-awaited and appreciated blessing. So until I have some news to report, have gone through in-vitro or feel the overwhelming need to share something, I will be on hiatis from this blog. I will still be trying, but I think I need to go back into myself and allow this journey to be between me and the people who have been there through every emotion I have endured or who are enduring it themselves. I genuinely appreciate all the love and support this blog has brought me and I truly hope I have helped others out there deal with the emotions that come with infertility. I just need to step away, remind myself there is more to life than this trial and enjoy life instead of letting it pass me by. I still will be holding my Resolve group on August 16th, and you may contact me at for further information about group. I am also happy to email and talk with people who are in the same situation as us and who understand my current emotions. I have just had too much negative feedback from people who read this blog but who haven't personally gone through infertility themselves that I no longer want to share intimate details with everyone. Thanks again and I wish you all the best of luck!