Blogstalking and Comments Welcome!

Blogstalking and Comments Welcome! In fact, I love them!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

26 Months...

Aunt Flo finally came for a visit today and I am ecstatic! It’s strange how when you aren’t trying for a baby your period is the worst thing in the world, but when your world revolves around your cycle, getting your period means answers. Now that I am finally at day 1 I am actually looking forward to tracking again and undergoing treatment. I start my Clomid on Saturday and then will go in for ultrasounds on day 12 to see when we can do another round of IUI. I have another sonohysterogram scheduled for July 7th to see if I need to undergo more surgery, but if I do need another procedure, I will wait until after this round of IUI to have it. I am cautiously optimistic about our chances post-surgery, but optimistic none the less and am desperately hoping that month 26 is our lucky month. If not it’s on to round three of IUI and then in-vitro. I just have to keep in mind we still have a lot of options and I am not giving up hope yet. Baby Ricci is going to be on their way in 2011 whether they like it or not!

Happy 4th of July weekend everyone!


The other day as I was picking up my newly purchased Bobby from Babysteals, I realized that in my heart of hearts, I still have hope. After months of stockpiling Uddercovers, baby slings, baby blankets, hospital gowns and everything in between, last week it hit me… I still believe. I still believe I will one day see those two pink lines, that I will someday get to experience the amazement of pregnancy, the excruciating pain of labor followed by the magic of delivery and that I will have a newborn I can breastfeed. Even if my mind is starting to lose hope, my heart still believes. It still believes that Mike and I will have three beautiful children of our own; children that will have his eyes, my smile, Mike’s wit and my organizational skills. It still believes we will get to watch our children grow up and that baby Ricci will soon be on their way. I know these are dreams and desires and not necessarily what God actually has planned but the belief that we will have a child someday gets me through the day. It’s difficult to accept that my infertility is out of my hands but at least I haven’t lost my hope and today that is all that matters.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Latest Shopping Spree...

Babysteals is going to make me go broke! They have the CUTEST stuff and I can't pass up a good deal. At least Mike is OK with my shopping because he loves a good deal too and he knows that the shopping sprees keep me sane.

I am OBSESSED with these blankets. They are super soft and I wish they made an adult version. I had to buy the green since we don't know the gender and the pink in case we have a little girl. ADORBS!My favorite baby shower gift is the Boppy. I know I am definitely going to need one so when I saw them come up on babysteals for $27.00, I had to buy one. They still have some in the archives if you are in need of one!Now this may be my silliest/vainest purchases but I bought my own hospital gown. I quickly realized how much I hated the gowns they give you in the hospital during my surgery so when these popped up, I had to splurge. This is much more comfortable and stylish than the huge ugly blue and white ones and they have lots of different colors and sizes in the babysteals archives. Can't wait until I can actually use all of this stuff! For now it will keep filling up my baby room closet. :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Would Die For That...

I wanted to share this song that my cute friend Rachel sent me called "I Would Die For That" by Kellie Coffey. Hope you enjoy and I hope it speaks to your soul. I know it did mine.

Physically fine, emotionally, not so much…

I went in for my surgery last week and am doing pretty well, at least physically. I learned the procedure is called a hysteroscopy with a septum takedown, so I can finally tell people that instead of saying I have a uterine abnormality they had to remove. Oddly enough, I have found people don’t really want to hear about my uterus having problems :) They ended up being able to use conscious sedation instead of general anesthesia, so the recovery was a lot easier than expected and I didn’t have the dreaded anesthesia hangover. Mike was a little disappointed that I was pretty coherent when I came to, as I had told him lots of stories about my last time being under general. He was a good nurse and packed me a bag with my favorite blanket, a pillow, some comfy clothes and a bag of puff cheetoes (my favorite). He also made sure to update my family and friends that everything went well and that I had everything I needed, including a cafĂ© Rio salad when I got home.

Even though the surgery went relatively well, when my Dr. began to remove the septum, he found that it was actually closer to 2 cm, which was double the size he expected. There were also a lot of blood vessels within it, so every time he cut, it would obscure the camera. This caused some problems for his visibility and while he is pretty confident he was able to remove the entire septum, I have to go back in 45 days for another sonohysterogram just to make sure. Following surgery I was put on estrogen twice a day for 20 days and will start an additional pill in a few weeks (although I forget what it is since I was still a bit woozy from the sedatives when he told me). The surgery and estrogen have induced a “faux” period so even though my dr. didn’t advise us to prevent, he said it would be very difficult to get pregnant this month since I am healing. We plan to do another round of clomid and IUI in July and are hoping this surgery was the answer. If IUI doesn’t work in July, we will try it one more time in August and then we will move on to in-vitro in September/October.

While I am physically doing well following the surgery, I am not doing well emotionally. It could be all the hormones I am on, but my heart is heavy and I am feeling extremely empty. We were out the other night celebrating the opening of a friend’s new bar and as I sat there, all I could think is how much I would rather be home bathing a child and putting them to bed. I feel stuck and like I can’t move forward. I have been nesting for two years, buying things for a baby that isn’t even on the horizon, trying to change life so we can easily adjust to having a baby, and now I am just waiting. Waiting for something that might never come and I don’t know how to move forward without going back. I try to keep myself busy with work and everything else but the reality is, I just want to sit home on my couch sulking and eating ice cream and cookie dough. This is definitely not a healthy reaction and I want to break through the haze of grief this infertility has created for me, but when the fog settles in, it’s hard to look past to the other side. I am sure this will pass and I think a major factor in my sadness this past month is because now that the surgery is over and we are just waiting, I don’t have any treatments to put my energy or thoughts into. Mike has also been working a lot more so I am alone with myself and my thoughts more often. While I should be thankful I was able to have this surgery done and that it may be an answer to our prayers, there is still so much unknown and there is no guarantee that this is the solution. It has been difficult to hand my emotions and our future over to Dr.’s and a 31 day cycle and be unable to do anything but wait. If this journey has taught me anything it is to try and be patient, but my patience is really wearing thin this month. I am looking forward to my infertility support group tomorrow to gain some clarity and vent about the emotions I haven’t been able to put words to and I am very thankful to be connected to so many women who know exactly how I am feeling month in and month out.

Here’s to hoping things begin to look up soon and that no more surgery is in my future.